2024 horoscope for the Rabbit zodiac sign

2024 Horoscope For The Rabbit Zodiac Sign

In 2023, the Year of the Rabbit, those born under this sign experienced significant fluctuations in their luck, encountering even extreme situations at times. As an old saying goes, “When the Tai Sui is in charge, there is either joy or woe.” For those who went through positive events such as marriage, childbirth, buying a house, or starting a business during the Year of the Rabbit, their good luck is likely to continue into the Year of the Dragon in 2024. Conversely, those who experienced breakups or separations will gradually regain their footing in the new year.

However, it’s worth noting that in 2024, Rabbit individuals may encounter some challenges in their interpersonal relationships. This is due to the influence of “Harming the Tai Sui,”1In feng shui, “Harming the Tai Sui” refers to a situation where one is prone to being framed or spoken ill of by others, often resulting in negative impacts on interpersonal relationships. which requires extra caution to avoid being betrayed or spoken ill of behind one’s back. As a result, it’s advisable for Rabbit individuals to maintain a low profile and avoid meddling in others’ affairs to prevent any unnecessary troubles.

Moreover, with the auspicious stars being relatively weak in 2024, Rabbit individuals may need to rely more on their own efforts and the help of supportive individuals to propel their careers forward. In this year, it’s wiser to speak less and do more, ensuring the stability and growth of one’s interests and career.

Healthwise, while there are unlikely to be major issues, Rabbit individuals should still be mindful of minor illnesses or discomforts such as colds and flu. Especially for those who have recently changed jobs or are in an adjustment period, stress may affect their sleep quality. Therefore, maintaining good sleep and eating habits, as well as strengthening exercise and relaxation, are crucial.

For those Rabbit individuals who offended the Tai Sui, placing some feng shui auspicious items at home can help to neutralize negative energy and enhance luck. However, given that they have just gone through their birth sign year and are also influenced by “Harming the Tai Sui,” it’s advisable to focus on restoring vitality in 2024, without setting overly high goals or making significant decisions. If you purchased a house during the Year of the Rabbit, the Year of the Dragon can be a good time for renovation and moving in. If there are no major changes at home, considering renovating or repairing the home can also be an option, but it’s essential to avoid unlucky feng shui directions2In feng shui, unlucky directions refer to certain compass points that are believed to bring negative energy or adverse effects. When decorating or renovating a home, it’s advisable to avoid these directions to ensure a positive and harmonious living environment..

Overall, 2024 is a year for Rabbit individuals to proceed with caution, paying close attention to interpersonal relationships and health. By maintaining a low profile, working hard, and focusing on personal well-being, Rabbit individuals can navigate through this year smoothly and achieve meaningful outcomes.

2024 Horoscope For The Rabbit Zodiac Sign 1


In 2024, while the auspicious stars may not be as potent as one might hope, fortunately, individuals born under the sign of the Rabbit can borrow the auspicious influences of the “Yuede” and “Tangfu” stars from their counterparts, the Roosters. 3Yuede and Tangfu are considered auspicious stars in Feng Shui that bring luck and assistance in various aspects of life, particularly in career matters. These stars will offer some assistance in their professional pursuits. For those Rabbits employed in regular jobs, this year may present promising opportunities for growth and advancement. On the other hand, those in managerial positions may see an increase in their authority and influence.

However, it’s crucial to remember that the borrowed power of these auspicious stars is finite, meaning Rabbits need to exert additional effort and not rely solely on external assistance. Putting in extra work and dedication is always beneficial.

Moreover, the “Moyue” star suggests that new environments or situations may bring about some degree of pressure and adjustment. 4Moyue is a Feng Shui term that refers to the challenges associated with adapting to new environments or changes in one’s life. Especially for those who have recently changed their work environment during the Year of the Rabbit, the Year of the Dragon may require some time for accommodation. Building and maintaining relationships with superiors, colleagues, and subordinates will also require patience and effort. It’s advisable for Rabbits to maintain a low profile and avoid attracting unwanted attention or conflicts.

To mitigate any potential negative impacts, Rabbits may consider wearing auspicious accessories or talismans. For instance, the Taoyunge Xihe Baosui Jihong Bracelet is a popular choice that symbolizes attracting helpful individuals, enhancing career luck, and deflecting negative energy. 5In Feng Shui, wearing auspicious accessories is believed to bring positive energy and protection against harmful influences. This can be beneficial for overall well-being and success.

Additionally, given that Rabbit individuals have recently completed their birth sign year and are now facing a year of “Harming the Tai Sui,” they may encounter additional challenges and obstacles at work. 6Harming the Tai Sui is a Feng Shui concept that suggests a period of potential misfortune or difficulty for individuals born under a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, it’s advisable to approach this year as a period of preparation and learning. Utilizing free time to further one’s education or pursue hobbies can help enhance personal growth and prepare for future opportunities. For those considering a job change, it’s prudent to exercise caution and avoid hasty decisions. Staying within the current company and exploring internal opportunities such as transfers or promotions may be a safer and more rewarding path.

Overall, with careful planning and a positive attitude, Rabbit individuals can navigate the challenges of 2024 and lay the foundation for future success and prosperity.

2024 Horoscope For The Rabbit Zodiac Sign 2


The love fortune of those born in the Year of the Rabbit in 2024 largely depends on their experiences in the previous year. Those who have stepped into the marriage hall in the Year of the Rabbit or planned to have children may see their wishes come true in the Year of the Dragon. However, due to minor offenses against Tai Sui 7Tai Sui, in Feng Shui, refers to the Grand Duke Jupiter, which changes its position annually according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Offending Tai Sui is believed to bring challenges or misfortunes., it is advised to keep a low profile after becoming pregnant and share the good news only after the fetus is stable. Although disputes with partners may decrease this year, “Harming Tai Sui” could lead to verbal disputes, so when interacting with a partner’s family, it’s important to avoid overly interfering in their household affairs to prevent unnecessary conflicts.

For married people born in the Year of the Rabbit who are busy with work changes, it is crucial to balance career and family time to avoid neglecting their other half and causing rifts in the relationship. Traveling together or arranging special moments are good ways to enhance the relationship.

For those who experienced breakups or separations in the Year of the Rabbit, 2024 will be a year of new beginnings. Since the Peach Blossom Star 8Peach Blossom Star, in Feng Shui, represents a star associated with love and social relationships. When the Peach Blossom Star influences an individual’s destiny palace, it is usually considered that the person’s social activities and opportunities for romantic encounters will increase. is not present, singles looking to expand their social circles may need to pay more attention to their workplace or rely on introductions from elders. In this process, it’s essential not to rush and to gradually build relationships.

Moreover, due to “Harming Tai Sui,” which might bring about rumors, when encountering a person of interest, it is suggested that those born in the Year of the Rabbit keep a low profile to avoid interference from external opposition. Once the relationship is stable, it’s also advisable not to be too ostentatious. Enjoying private time together can help protect the relationship and make it stronger.


After saying goodbye to the challenging zodiac year of 2023, those born in the Year of the Rabbit will welcome a more optimistic and positive shift in mindset in 2024, leading to significant improvements in their physical and mental health. However, the influence of the malefic star “Mo Yue” 9Mo Yue is a term from Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, indicating a star associated with unexpected challenges or changes that could bring about stress or disturbances. still looms, suggesting that new environments or changes might bring certain stressors, potentially affecting the sleep quality of Rabbit-born individuals. To alleviate this stress, it’s beneficial for them to engage more with nature, or partake in activities such as yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation, which help balance the mind and body and ease tension.

Moreover, the Year of the Dragon introduces the “Illness Star” 10Illness Star, in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, refers to a celestial influence believed to increase the likelihood of health issues or diseases. It calls for heightened vigilance and preventive health measures., though it may not bring severe diseases, Rabbit-born individuals should still be cautious of minor ailments like colds, flu, and respiratory sensitivities. Hence, health management becomes especially crucial. It is advisable for them to invest more in health products and medical insurance in the new year, to proactively safeguard their health and also help stabilize their family fortune.

Furthermore, the appearance of the “Yang Ren” star 11Yang Ren, a term from Chinese astrology, often denotes a sharp or metal-related hazard, suggesting a higher risk of injuries related to metal objects or surgeries. implies that Rabbit-born individuals may be more prone to injuries caused by metal or undergo surgeries. Especially for those who frequently drive, road safety becomes an even more critical issue. To prevent potential accidents, it’s recommended for Rabbit-born individuals to hang an auspicious ornament in their car, such as a lucky car hanging, which not only serves as a reminder to drive carefully but also symbolizes safety and good fortune throughout the year.

To further enhance their health fortune, Rabbit-born individuals might consider scheduling a health check-up at the end of the Rabbit year and opting for blood donation or dental cleaning at the start of the Dragon year. These actions could proactively fulfill minor blood-related predictions, thereby avoiding greater health risks. Through these preventive and health-conscious measures, Rabbit-born individuals can better protect their health in 2024, welcoming a brighter future.

2024 Horoscope For The Rabbit Zodiac Sign 3


For those born in the Year of the Rabbit, the financial landscape of the just-passed zodiac year of 2023 was characterized by ups and downs, with not a few experiencing economic losses due to investment decisions gone awry. However, in 2024, their financial fortunes are gradually stabilizing. Although no Wealth Star has entered their sign, the borrowed auspicious stars “Yue De” and “Tang Fu” mainly support career endeavors. While their power is limited, they can still offer support to the working class, leading to minor progress. For entrepreneurs, however, there might not be significant improvements in performance.

Given this financial situation, those born in the Year of the Rabbit should not set overly ambitious goals in the new year. A cautious and conservative approach to investment is advised, avoiding high-risk or unfamiliar fields to prevent financial difficulties.

The influence of “Harming Tai Sui” 12Harming Tai Sui refers to the direct clash with the Tai Sui of the year, which in Feng Shui is believed to bring challenges or negative effects, especially in personal relationships and overall luck. could impact interpersonal relationships. Those in insurance, real estate, or other intermediary sales roles, or who frequently interact with clients, should pay extra attention to their handling of relationships to avoid offending others unintentionally and facing significant work pressure.

It’s worth mentioning that the borrowed auspicious star “Di Jie” 13Di Jie is associated with land and property changes, indicating potential for relocation, home renovation, or repairs, which might lead to additional expenses., although related to changes in real estate, might also mean additional expenditures on relocation, home renovation, or maintenance. Therefore, it’s advisable for Rabbit-born individuals to prepare an emergency fund in advance to cope with potential financial pressures.

Furthermore, the appearance of the “Illness Star” 14Illness Star, in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, refers to a celestial influence believed to increase the likelihood of health issues or diseases. It calls for heightened vigilance and preventive health measures. reminds those born in the Year of the Rabbit to pay more attention to their health. While dealing with work stress and interpersonal issues, they should learn to adjust their mindset and find relaxation methods that suit them. Financially, considering increased investments in health products, medical insurance, or health management can proactively address the fortune of financial loss while also boosting health fortune.

In summary, while the financial fortunes of those born in the Year of the Rabbit are becoming more stable in 2024, they still need to approach various challenges with caution. Through sensible planning and careful decision-making, they can navigate a relatively stable financial year.

Monthly horoscope for Rabbit people in 2024

Lunar January (February 10, 2024 – March 9, 2024): People born in the Year of the Rabbit may find their interpersonal relationships to be somewhat tense during the lunar January, prone to disputes over trivial matters. This month, it’s crucial to pay attention to one’s behavior and remain calm and rational, prioritizing harmony to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Additionally, due to the influence of the “Rob Wealth” month, there might be some unexpected expenses. It’s important to plan and manage finances wisely to avoid undue financial loss.

Lunar February (March 10, 2024 – April 8, 2024): Entering lunar February, Rabbit people’s luck in love slightly improves. Singles should be more aware of opportunities around them, as they might encounter someone they like. However, they also need to be cautious about their speech to avoid offending others inadvertently. For those born in 1939, feelings of melancholy may arise; engaging in social activities and gatherings with friends is recommended to alleviate these feelings.

Lunar March (April 9, 2024 – May 7, 2024): For Rabbit people, lunar March is a month of conflict and punishment, making it inadvisable to make significant decisions. Taking trips to relax and de-stress is recommended. Rabbit individuals of different birth years should also be mindful of their health, especially concerning the eyes, heart, and blood pressure, and consider scheduling specialist appointments as needed.

Lunar April (May 8, 2024 – June 5, 2024): In lunar April, Rabbit people’s career fortunes rise, possibly presenting new opportunities. However, this may also increase work pressure, necessitating learning how to adjust one’s mindset to face challenges positively. Interpersonal relationships require special attention to avoid offending key figures due to improper speech. For those born in 1999, it’s crucial to be cautious of accidents, especially at home.

Lunar May (June 6, 2024 – July 5, 2024): Entering lunar May, Rabbit people have the chance to learn new skills or fields related to their work. This period offers a great opportunity for self-improvement; boldly seizing it is advised. Their learning fortune is also favorable, making it a good time to consider enrolling in courses for further education or joining interest groups to enrich life. However, for those born in 1951, there might be a risk of financial loss; engaging in lending or guaranteeing others should be avoided.

Lunar June (July 6, 2024 – August 3, 2024): In lunar June, Rabbit people may encounter new collaboration opportunities, especially from former employers or colleagues. Before accepting, thoroughly understanding the industry trends and seeking advice from more experienced individuals is wise to make informed decisions. Safety should be a priority this month, avoiding high-risk outdoor activities to prevent accidents. For those born in 2011, balancing academic and leisure time is important to prevent exhaustion and health issues.

Lunar July (August 4, 2024 – September 2, 2024): Rabbit individuals might experience fluctuations in their health due to the conflict between metal and wood elements, leading to discomfort. Work may also present setbacks and challenges, requiring patience and calmness to address potential issues. Those born in 1963 may find their financial luck unstable and should avoid high-risk speculative activities. Individuals born in 1987 might experience anxiety and depression, advised to alleviate negative emotions through outdoor activities or communication with others.

Lunar August (September 3, 2024 – October 2, 2024): This month could be tense in terms of interpersonal relationships for Rabbit people due to traditional clashes, leading to verbal disputes and conflicts. It’s recommended to stay calm and rational, avoiding impulsive actions. Attention to traffic safety, especially for drivers, is crucial. Those born in 1987 should be mindful of eye, blood pressure, and heart health, seeking timely medical checks. Children born in 2011 need to be cautious of skin sensitivity, opting for suitable clothing and products.

Lunar September (October 3, 2024 – October 31, 2024): Career fortunes for Rabbit individuals are mixed, with potential breakthroughs and progress alongside troubles and obstructions. Emotional fluctuations may cause stress. Seeking advice and learning from elders can help solve problems. Attention to health is advised, especially regarding hand injuries. Care is needed when handling documents and contracts.

Lunar October (November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024): The fortunes improve in lunar October, with previous troubles and obstructions likely resolving. Rabbit people’s efforts begin to pay off. This month is good for travel, offering relaxation and potential unexpected financial gains. However, those born in 1951 may face tense interpersonal relations, needing to maintain an open and respectful communication stance. Individuals born in 1975 may receive requests for assistance from friends and relatives; it’s advisable to act within one’s capabilities to avoid overcommitment.

Lunar November (December 1, 2024 – December 30, 2024): Rabbit people may encounter complex personnel issues and gossip this month. However, most problems are solvable with patience and calmness. There might be additional expenses, necessitating careful financial planning to avoid stress. Those born in 1999 could feel anxious; communicating with others for support and understanding is recommended. Youngsters born in 2011 need to watch out for respiratory health, avoiding air pollution and cold food.

Lunar December (December 31, 2024 – January 28, 2025): As lunar December arrives, Rabbit people’s fortunes gradually get back on track. There might be slight financial gains and an overall improvement in personal well-being. This month is suitable for reflection and planning, preparing for the upcoming year. Individuals born in 1963 should be wary of eye issues, paying attention to hygiene and eye habits. Those born in 1987 need to manage their finances carefully to prevent unnecessary financial losses.

Learn more about the 2024 horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs

  • 1
    In feng shui, “Harming the Tai Sui” refers to a situation where one is prone to being framed or spoken ill of by others, often resulting in negative impacts on interpersonal relationships.
  • 2
    In feng shui, unlucky directions refer to certain compass points that are believed to bring negative energy or adverse effects. When decorating or renovating a home, it’s advisable to avoid these directions to ensure a positive and harmonious living environment.
  • 3
    Yuede and Tangfu are considered auspicious stars in Feng Shui that bring luck and assistance in various aspects of life, particularly in career matters.
  • 4
    Moyue is a Feng Shui term that refers to the challenges associated with adapting to new environments or changes in one’s life.
  • 5
    In Feng Shui, wearing auspicious accessories is believed to bring positive energy and protection against harmful influences.
  • 6
    Harming the Tai Sui is a Feng Shui concept that suggests a period of potential misfortune or difficulty for individuals born under a particular zodiac sign.
  • 7
    Tai Sui, in Feng Shui, refers to the Grand Duke Jupiter, which changes its position annually according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Offending Tai Sui is believed to bring challenges or misfortunes.
  • 8
    Peach Blossom Star, in Feng Shui, represents a star associated with love and social relationships. When the Peach Blossom Star influences an individual’s destiny palace, it is usually considered that the person’s social activities and opportunities for romantic encounters will increase.
  • 9
    Mo Yue is a term from Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, indicating a star associated with unexpected challenges or changes that could bring about stress or disturbances.
  • 10
    Illness Star, in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, refers to a celestial influence believed to increase the likelihood of health issues or diseases. It calls for heightened vigilance and preventive health measures.
  • 11
    Yang Ren, a term from Chinese astrology, often denotes a sharp or metal-related hazard, suggesting a higher risk of injuries related to metal objects or surgeries.
  • 12
    Harming Tai Sui refers to the direct clash with the Tai Sui of the year, which in Feng Shui is believed to bring challenges or negative effects, especially in personal relationships and overall luck.
  • 13
    Di Jie is associated with land and property changes, indicating potential for relocation, home renovation, or repairs, which might lead to additional expenses.
  • 14
    Illness Star, in Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, refers to a celestial influence believed to increase the likelihood of health issues or diseases. It calls for heightened vigilance and preventive health measures.